Radio StoneFM

PL 27.04.2013 - Marion Antonik (Lucy Jordan) - Slang of Ages
PL 27.04.2013 - Thomas (Sparch) - groovethang Special: Two hours in a 90s Disco
PL 27.04.2017 - Franz Halbritter (Zappa1) - Allerhand Durcheinand #39
PL 27.04.2017 - Katrin (El Gato) - Katzenmusik #57
PL 27.04.2017 - Marion (Pinball Wizard) - My Mixtape #8: Female Voices III
PL 27.04.2019 - Marion (Pinball Wizard) - 50 Mixtapes: Das Jubiläums-Special
PL 27.04.2019 - Marion Antonik (Lucy Jordan) - Nightshift
PL 27.04.2021 - Jörg Janning (pipe-bowl) - Cherry Picking #15: 1970
PL 27.04.2021 - Thomas (Sam) - Sams Songsammelsurium #102
PL 27.04.2021 - Werner Hagn (Copperhead) - Nuggets – The Other Sides
PL 27.04.2023 - Marion (Pinball Wizard) - My Mixtape #121 - D.I.S.C.O.
PL 27.04.2023 - Peter (Pete Perm) - Live and Kicking: Mai 2023
PL 27.04.2023 - Roland Linde (Herr Rossi) - Pure Pop Pleasures
PL 27.04.2024 - Roland Linde (Herr Rossi) - Pure Pop Pleasures: The 1984 UK Top 40 Mix
PL 27.04.2024 - Thomas (Sam) - Sams Songsammelsurium #115
PL 27.05.2008 - HoerBar Vol. 17 / Frisch gerockt ist halb gerollt Vol. 45 / Rudis Wundertüte Vol. 11 – Luftgitarren und Dashtrommeln
PL 27.05.2010: "Sams Song Sammelsurium 17", "Whole Lotta Radio 8", "Death is not the end"
PL 27.05.2014 - Daniela (Chocolate Milk) - Rekorder #12
PL 27.05.2014 - Katrin (El Gato) - Katzenmusik #27
PL 27.05.2014 - Thomas (Sam) - Strange? #6
PL 27.05.2017 - Flurin Casura (gypsy tail wind) - gypsy goes jazz #52: Giant Steps – John Coltrane, 1956–1959
PL 27.05.2017 - Werner Hagn (Copperhead) - Berry Rides Again… And Again…
PL 27.05.2021 - Marion (Pinball Wizard) - My Mixtape #82: 1987
PL 27.05.2021 - Peter (Pete Perm) - Zapping 2021: Zwischenstand 2
PL 27.05.2021 - Rudi Kessler (Joliet Jake) - Soul Food Cafe #6


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